图说英语词汇 | 苹果手机刘海屏人脸设别(Face ID)部件
ambient light sensor 环境光传感器
proximity sensor 接近传感器
flood illuminator 泛光照明器
ambient light sensor 环境光传感器
proximity sensor 接近传感器
flood illuminator 泛光照明器
Different Kettle of Fish
Not comparable
deodorant 除臭剂
conditioner 护发剂,护发素
bidet 坐浴盆,下身盆
Cool as a cucumber
A person who is able to remain calm
screw top 螺旋盖
bottle of olive oil 橄榄油瓶
bottle of tomato ketchup 番茄酱瓶
Water Under the Bridge
Something in the past that’s no longer worth worrying about
blowing the nose 擤鼻涕
braces 牙齿矫治器
defibrillator (电击) 除颤器
Bed of Roses
A comfortable situation
egg 卵
caterpillar 幼虫
pupa 蛹
Alive and kicking
In good health despite health problems
trilby (especially BrE) (男用)软毡帽
cowboy hat (美国牛仔的)牛仔帽
bowler (BrE) derby (NAmE) 常礼帽,圆顶高帽 (英国旧时商人等戴)
Act one’s age
To be mature, not childish
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