
1. 诸多矛盾叠加 a great many problems
2. 风险隐患交汇 interwoven risks and dangers
3. 全国各族人民 the Chinese people
4. 迎难而上 rise to the challenge
5. 砥砺前行 work hard to press ahead
6. 经济社会持续健康发展 sustained, healthy economic and social development
7. 人民的根本利益 the fundamental interests of the Chinese people
8. 国家兴旺发达 the flourishing of the country/ China
9. 长治久安 long-term stability
10. 具有十分重大而深远的意义 be of crucial and far-reaching significance
11. 各地区 all regions
12. 各部门 all government departments
13. 大局意识 (the consciousness of the need to) think in big-picture terms
14. 看齐意识 (the consciousness of the need to) keep in alignment
15. 全面建成小康社会 finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
16. 全面深化改革 deepen reform
17. 依法治国 law-based governance/ rule of law
18. “十三五” the 13th Five-Year Plan
19. 良好开局 get sth. off to a great start
20. 经济运行 economic performance
21. 国内生产总值 GDP, Gross Domestic Product
22. 达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7% reach 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth/ up by 6.7%
23. 对全球经济增长的贡献率超过30% China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth.
24. 居民消费价格 CPI, Consumer Price Index
25. 工业企业 industrial enterprises
26. 由上年下降转为增长 reverse the previous year's negative growth
27. 单位国内生产总值能耗 energy consumption per unit of GDP
28. (……的)质量和效益明显提高 improve markedly in quality and returns
29. 就业增长 employment growth
30. 超出预期 exceed projections
31. 城镇新增就业 new urban jobs
32. 高校毕业生就业创业人数 the number of college graduates finding employment or starting businesses
33. 城镇登记失业率 the registered urban unemployment rate
34. 再创新高 reach another record high
35. 多年来最低 the lowest (level) in years
36. 13亿多人口的发展中大国 a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion
37. 就业比较充分 attain a high level of employment
38. 十分不易 no easy task
39. 改革开放 reform and opening up
40. ……深入推进 Continued advances were made in…
41. 重要领域 major sectors
42. 关键环节 key links
43. 供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform
44. “一带一路”建设 (pursue) the Belt and Road Initiative
45. 合作项目落地 cooperation projects were launched
46. 一批重大工程 a number of major projects
47. 国际产能合作项目 industrial-capacity cooperation projects with other countries
48. 经济结构调整 economic structural adjustment
49. 在经济增长中发挥主要拉动作用 the main driver of economic growth
50. 服务业增加值 the value created by the service sector

51. 高技术产业 high-tech industries
52. 装备制造业 equipment manufacturing
53. 粮食再获丰收 continue good grain harvests
54. 发展新动能 new drivers of growth
55. ……不断增强 …gain strength
56. 创新驱动发展战略 (pursue) the innovation-driven development strategy
57. ……深入实施 further progress was made in…
58. ……取得突破性进展 breakthroughs were made in…
59. ……初见成效 initial success was achieved in…
60. ……进展快速 rapid progress was made in…
61. 科技领域 science and technology
62. 新兴产业 emerging industries
63. 传统产业 traditional industries
64. 大众创业、万众创新 launch businesses or make innovations/ mass entrepreneurship and innovation
65. 新登记企业 new businesses registered/ newly registered businesses
66. 个体工商户 self-employed traders
67. 各类市场主体 market entities/ players
68. ……取得国际领先的重大成果 world-leading achievements were made in…
69. 蓬勃兴起 be thriving
70. ……加快转型升级 the transformation and upgrading of … accelerated.
71. 撑起发展新天地 open new prospects for China's development
72. 基础设施 infrastructure
73. 新建高速铁路 new high-speed rail lines
74. 新建改建高速公路 expressways and rural roads that were built or upgraded
75. 城市轨道交通 urban rail transit facilities
76. 地下综合管廊 underground utility tunnels
77. 重大水利工程 major water conservancy projects
78. 建设加快 construction picked up pace on…
79. 投产 come into service/ be put into operation/ be put up and running
80. 新开工 construction began on…
81. 第四代移动通信用户 4G mobile communications subscribers
82. 光缆线路 optical fiber cables
83. 人民生活继续改善 Living standards were improved.
84. 全国居民人均可支配收入 personal per capita disposable income(回忆“居民消费指数”)
85. 农村贫困人口 the number of people living in poverty in rural areas
86. 易地扶贫搬迁人口 (poor) people relocated from inhospitable areas
87. 棚户区住房 homes in rundown urban areas
88. 农村危房 dilapidated rural houses
89. 国内旅游 domestic trips
90. 出境旅游 overseas trips
91. 实际增长 increase by… % in real terms
92. 成功举办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会 successfully host the G20 2016 Hangzhou Summit
93. 取得一系列开创性、引领性、机制性重要成果 deliver a number of important pioneering, leading, and institutional outcomes
94. 在全球经济治理中留下深刻的中国印记 do its part for global economic governance
95. 回顾过去一年,走过的路很不寻常 2016 was an unusual year in (our country's development)
96. 我们面对的是…… China was confronted with…
97. 外部环境 an external environment
98. 经济和贸易增速7年来最低 the lowest economic and trade growth in seven years
99. 国际金融市场波动加剧 growing volatility in global financial markets
100. 地区和全球性挑战突发多发 sudden and frequent regional and global challenges

101. 风险隐患显现 prominent risks and dangers
102. 经济下行压力加大 mounting downward pressure on the economy
103. 中国面临着复杂局面 China found itself in a complex environment
104. 改革进入攻坚期 reform entered a critical stage
105. 利益关系深刻调整 profound changes took place affecting interests
106. 影响社会稳定因素增多 factors impacting social stability grew
107. 在这种情况下 given all these factors
108. 稳住经济 maintain stable economic performance
109. 出现诸多向好变化 make progress on many fronts
110. 战胜任何艰难险阻 overcome any difficulty or hardship
111. 有勇气、有智慧、有能力 have the courage, ingenuity, and ability (to do…)
112. 有潜力、有韧性、有优势 possess potential, resilience, and strengths
113. 中国的发展前景会更好 there is even better development (/future) ahead for China
114. 继续(做某事) continue to do…
115. 创新和加强宏观调控 develop new and more effective ways of carrying out regulation at the macro level
116. 经济运行保持在合理区间 keep the economy performing within an appropriate range
117. 宏观调控 (conduct) macro-level regulation
118. 坚持(做某事) stand firm in doing …
119. 不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激 not adopt strong stimulus policies that would have had an economy-wide impact
120. 稳增长、调结构、防风险 maintain steady growth, adjust the structure, and guard against risks
121. 定向调控 targeted regulation
122. 相机调控 well-timed regulation
123. 在区间调控基础上 on the basis of range-based regulation
124. 积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy
125. 财政赤字 fiscal deficit
126. 减税降费 cover tax and fee cuts
127. 营改增试点 the trial replacement of business tax with value added tax (VAT) / replace business with value added tax on a trial basis
128. 降低企业税负 slash the tax burdens of businesses
129. 税负只减不增 reduce tax burdens
130. 中央与地方增值税收入划分 share VAT revenue between the central and local governments
131. 过渡方案 a transitional plan for …
132. 制定实施 formulate and implement
133. 地方既有财力 financial resources of local governments
134. 保持不变 remain unchanged
135. 降低利息负担 reduce interest payments
136. 稳健的货币政策 a prudent monetary policy
137. 广义货币 M2
138. 预期目标 the projected target
139. 多种货币政策工具 a range of monetary policy tools
140. 支持实体经济发展 support the development of the real economy
141. 促进消费升级 upgrade consumption
142. 鼓励民间投资 encourage private investment
143. 投资出现企稳态势 investment has begun to stabilize
144. 分类调控房地产市场 exercise category-based regulation over the real estate market
145. 金融风险防控 manage financial risks
146. 人民币汇率形成机制 the RMB exchange rate regime
147. 保持了在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定 remain generally stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level
148. 维护国家经济金融安全 safeguard China's economic and financial security
149. 实施了……的措施 Measures were taken to do sth.
150. 出台了……的政策 We unveiled policies to do sth.

151. 抓好“三去一降一补” focus on five priority tasks -- cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness
152. 供给结构 the composition of supply
153. 去产能 cut overcapacity
154. 钢铁、煤炭行业 the steel and coal sectors
155. 退出钢铁产能超过6500万吨 steel production capacity was cut by more than 65 million metric tons
156. 超额完成年度目标任务 go beyond annual targets
157. 分流职工 laid-off employees
158. 农民工 migrant workers
159. 在城镇购房 buy urban homes
160. 棚改货币化安置比例 the proportion of people affected by rebuilding in rundown urban areas receiving monetary compensation
161. 房地产去库存 reduce real estate inventory
162. 企业兼并重组 business acquisitions and reorganizations
163. 直接融资 direct financing
164. 市场化法治化债转股 market- and law-based debt-to-equity swaps
165. 工业企业资产负债率 the debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises
166. 企业降成本 enterprises lower operating costs
167. 降低“五险一金”缴费比例 lower the share paid by enterprises for social security contributions
168. “五险一金” old-age insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes
169. 补短板 strengthen areas of weakness
170. 一批当前急需又利长远的大事 major initiatives that both help to meet urgent needs today and promise long-term benefits
171. 出台……的举措 we introduced measures to do sth.
172. 加大……的力度 We boosted efforts to do sth.
173. 深化改革开放 deepen reform and opening up
174. 发展活力 the vitality of development
175. 一批标志性、支柱性改革举措 a good number of landmark and pillar reform initiatives
176. 处理好政府和市场关系 balance the government-market relationship
177. 经济体制改革的核心问题 the pivotal issue in economic structural reform
178. 简政放权 streamline administration and delegate powers
179. 放管结合、优化服务 improve regulation and services
180. 商事制度改革 institutional reforms in the business sector
181. 国有企业调整重组和混合所有制改革 reforms to restructure and reorganize state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and introduce into them mixed ownership structures
182. 公平竞争审查制度 a review system to ensure fair competition
183. “三权分置” 办法 measures for separating rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights
184. 贫困退出机制 a mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty
185. 资源税改革 resource tax reforms
186. 科技管理体制 the science and technology management system
187. 高校和科研院所 colleges and research institutes
188. 以增加知识价值为导向的分配政策 profit distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge
189. 养老服务市场 the elderly services market
190. 公立医院综合改革试点 the trials of comprehensive reforms in public hospitals
191. 药品医疗器械审评审批制度 the evaluation and approval systems for medicine and medical equipment
192. 耕地轮作休耕改革 crop rotation and fallow land reforms
193. 自然资源统一确权登记办法 unified measures to determine and register natural resource rights
194. 河长制 the river chief system
195. 生态保护补偿机制 the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts
196. 增添新动力 give new impetus to
197. 国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子 the IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket
198. “深港通” the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
199. 促进外贸发展措施 measures for promoting trade
200. 跨境电子商务综合试验区 integrated experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce

201. 上海等自贸试验区改革创新成果 the new practices of pilot free trade zones in Shanghai and elsewhere
202. 实际使用外资1300多亿美元 utilize more than US$130 billion of overseas investment
203. 位居发展中国家首位 rank first among developing countries
204. 强化创新引领 strengthen innovation's leading role
205. 强化新动能快速成长 spur the rapid development of new growth drivers
206. “互联网+”行动 implement the Internet Plus action plan
207. 国家大数据战略 the national big data strategy
208. 全面实施《中国制造2025》 fully implemented the Made in China 2025 initiative
209. 落实和完善“双创”政策措施 implement and improve policies and measures to encourage people to launch businesses and innovate
210. 支持北京、上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心 support Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into global R&D centers
211. 新设6个国家自主创新示范区 establish six national innovation demonstration zones
212. 全社会研发经费支出 China's R&D spending
213. 国内有效发明专利拥有量突破100万件 The number of in-force Chinese patents issued in China passed the million mark
214. 技术交易额超过1万亿元 the value of technology transactions exceeded one trillion yuan
215. 科技进步贡献率 the contribution of scientific and technological progress
216. 创新对发展的支撑作用 innovation's role in powering development
217. 促进区域城乡协调发展 promoted more balanced development between regions and between rural and urban areas
218. 新的增长极、增长带 new growth poles and growth belts
219. 京津冀协同发展 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration
220. 长江经济带 the Yangtze Economic Belt
221. 西部大开发“十三五”规划 the plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period for large-scale development in the western region
222. 新一轮东北振兴战略 a new round of initiatives as part of the Northeast revitalization strategy
223. 推动中部地区崛起 drive progress in the rise of the central region
224. 支持东部地区率先发展 support the eastern region in leading the rest of the country in pursuing development
225. 推进新型城镇化 promote new types of urbanization
226. 深化户籍制度改革 deepen reform of the household registration system
227. 全面推行居住证制度 introduce the residence card system nationwide
228. 1600万人进城落户 grant urban residency to 16 million people from rural areas
229. 发展的协同叠加效应 the synergy building through coordinated development
230. 加强生态文明建设 strengthened ecological conservation
231. 绿色发展取得新进展 make fresh progress in pursuing green development
232. 生态文明建设目标评价考核办法 measures for assessing progress made in ecological improvement,
233. 国家生态文明试验区 national pilot zones for ecological conservation
234. 强化大气污染治理 take stronger measures against air pollution
235. 二氧化硫排放量 sulfur dioxide emissions
236. 氮氧化物放量 nitrogen oxide emissions
237. 重点城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)年均浓度 the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key cities
238. 优化能源结构 improve the energy mix
239. 清洁能源消费比重 the share of clean energy consumption
240. 煤炭消费比重 the share of coal consumption
241. 水污染防治 prevent and control water pollution
242. 环境违法案件 violations of environmental protection laws
243. 环保工作 protect the environment
244. 保障和改善民生 ensuring and improving living standards
245. 获得感 a sense of benefit
246. 财政收支压力 pressure from fiscal imbalance
247. 民生投入 inputs in areas related to living standards
248. 脱贫攻坚 key battles to eradicate poverty
249. 财政专项扶贫资金 government budgets for poverty relief
250. 低保 subsistence allowances

251. 优抚 benefits for entitled groups
252. 基本养老金 basic pension payments
253. 困难和重度残疾人 people in financial difficulty and with severe disabilities
254. 护理补贴 nursing care subsidies
255. 财政性教育经费支出 fiscal spending on education
256. 贫困家庭学生 students from poor rural areas/ families
257. 学杂费 tuition and miscellaneous fees
258. 城乡居民基本医保制度 basic health insurance systems for rural and non-working urban residents
259. 财政补助 government subsidies
260. 基本公共卫生服务 basic public health services
261. 大病保险全覆盖 Full coverage of the serious disease insurance scheme was achieved
262. 基层公共文化服务 public cultural services at the community level
263. 全民健身 Fitness for All
264. 严重洪涝 severe flooding
265. 抢险救灾 provide effective rescue and relief
266. 恢复重建 recovery and reconstruction efforts
267. 降低灾害损失 minimize damage and loss
268. 政府建设 government performance
269. 重大事故 major accidents
270. 社会和谐稳定 social harmony and stability
271. 政务公开 government transparency
272. 权力和责任清单 lists of the powers and responsibilities
273. 督查问责 accountability inspections
274. 去产能 cut overcapacity
275. 民间投资 private investment
276. 专项督查 special inspections
277. 第三方评估 third-party evaluations
278. 违规新建钢铁项目 new steel projects launched in breach of regulations
279. 低保、优抚、退休人员基本养老金等 subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, basic pension payments, and other subsidies
280. 安全生产 workplace safety
281. 社会治安 law and order
282. 国家安全和公共安全 national and public security
283. 经济金融风险隐患 potential economic and financial risks
284. 四风 formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance
285. 约法三章 three-point decision on curbing government spending
286. 反腐败斗争 fight against corruption
287. 压倒性态势 irresistible momentum
288. 特色大国外交 diplomacy with distinctive features
289. 全球治理体系 global governance system
290. 经济外交 economic diplomacy
291. 人文交流 personal and cultural exchanges
292. 中国工农红军 the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army
293. 长征胜利 the victory of the Long March
294. 食品药品安全 food and drug safety
295. 全国各族人民 the people of all our nation's ethnic group
296. 经济增长内生动力 internal forces driving economic growth
297. 产能过剩 overcapacity
298. 生产经营困难 difficulties in their production and operations
299. 经济走势 economic prospects
300. 财政收支矛盾 fiscal imbalance