翻译研究 | “白斩鸡”英语怎么说?




Muscle and Fitness网站的一篇文章提供了两个选择:

翻译研究 | “白斩鸡”英语怎么说?


这里的softflabby与lean and ripped,即精瘦、有肌肉相对,符合“白斩鸡”的特点。

Soft还有一个名词形式softie。根据《韦氏词典》,softie的意思为a weak or foolish person和a softhearted or sentimental person。在语境明确的情况下,也可以用softie来指肌肉松软的人,不过一般情况下这个词都会让人想到性格上多愁善感,不一定是身体上软弱无力。


翻译研究 | “白斩鸡”英语怎么说?


Marshmallow意为“棉花糖”(见下图),和“白斩鸡”有异曲同工之妙,很可能是翻译“白斩鸡”的最佳选择。需注意marshmallow不是蓬松、遇水即化的棉花糖,那种糖是cotton candy。

翻译研究 | “白斩鸡”英语怎么说?

英语中的“壮汉”也可以用一个与食物相关的词表达:beefcake。 根据《韦氏词典》,这个词的意思是:a usually photographic display of muscular male physiques; also : a man of the type featured in such a display or such men in general。词典给出的两个例句:

  • He's not a great actor but he gets roles anyway because of all the moviegoers interested in beefcake.
  • He's one of Hollywood's most celebrated beefcakes.

虽然多用于出现影视作品和杂志上的健壮男人,但beefcake也可以指普通人。《牛津词典》就将其定义为Attractive men with well-developed muscles。


"display of male pulchritude" in movies or magazines, 1949, said to have been modeled on cheesecake, but there seems to have been an actual foodstuff called beefcake around this time. The word seems to be little used in that literal sense since the other sense emerged. (https://www.etymonline.com/word/beefcake

这里的cheesecake不是“女汉子”,而是身材好、穿得少的女性形象,多作为形容词使用,比如《牛津词典》中的例子:a cheesecake photo of herself wearing a silly hat and little else。无论是cheesecake还是beefcake,描述的都是传统、理想化的两性形象。