英语口语 | 用walk on air表达“洋洋得意,飘飘然”


英语口语 | 用walk on air表达“洋洋得意,飘飘然”

本文和大家分享的英语口语表达是:walk on air。该口语表达的字面意思是“在空气中行走”,很生动形象地形容一个人由于“洋洋得意”而“飘飘然”的样子。

  • - Tom said that he passed his college exam to Oxford.
    - 汤姆说他通过了牛津大学的入学考试。
    - I've warned you against him. He always talks big.
    - 我不是跟你说过吗,别信他的话,他总是好吹牛。
    - But it's true. He is walking on air this week.
    - 但这次是真的,你没看到这星期他高兴的样子,真有点儿飘飘然了。
    - But it's unbelievable.
    - 这简直让人难以置信。
  • Some students seem to walk on air after they succeed in passing the entrance examination of college.