英语写作 | 跳出既定框架思考!避免陈词滥调


  • When it’s all said and done at the end of the day, I can say I made a difference in the world.


很多陈词滥调四处传播,人们有时会误读或在写作中误用它们,这也很好地表明人们并没有真正思考他们正在说的是什么。例如,我们看到很多无意义地使用for all intensive purposes的场合,这是for all intents and purposes的一个变体。很多例子是用在演讲的场合,但也出现在像科技期刊这样高冷的地方。刊物的投稿人和编辑们真该好好了解一下是否可以让这个短语通过。

英语写作 | 跳出既定框架思考!避免陈词滥调




  • We’re still as sick as a parrot about the result.
  • When it’s all said and done, at the end of the day, I can say I made a difference in the world.







  • at the end of the day 嘴中、到头来
  • back on track 重回正轨
  • the fact of the matter 实际情况
  • few and far between 寥寥无几
  • a level playing field 公平竞争的环境
  • in this day and age 在这个时代
  • to all intents and purposes 达到所有目的
  • when all’s said and done 当尘埃落定
  • in the final analysis 归根到底
  • come full circle 周而复始
  • par for the course 意料之中
  • think outside the box 跳出框框思考
  • avoid someone or something like the plague 像避开瘟疫一样的避开某人或事
  • in the current climate 在目前环境下
  • mass exodus 大举迁徙
  • at this moment in time 此时此刻
  • the path of least resistance 最小阻力路径
  • a baptism of fire 一次火的洗礼,严峻考验
  • in any way, shape, or form 在任何情况下
  • fit for purpose 量身定制、有的放矢
  • Action points 行动要点


1. 想想看这个cliché到底是什么意思


- 用这些关键词替换cliché

- 在同义词词典中查找替换词


2. 想想是否真的需要使用这个表达


3. 改写你的句子


原句:In this day and age, websites are one of the most significant public faces of any organization.
关键字:nowadays, today
改写后:Today, websites are one of the most significant public faces of any organization.

原句:His first job, in an industrial area of the UK, proved to be a baptism of fire.
关键字:a difficult introduction to a new job or activity
改写后:His first job, in an industrial area of the UK, proved to be a difficult start to his career.

原句:The long-term prospects for the service are looking fairly bleak at this moment in time.
改写后:The long-term prospects for the service are currently looking fairly bleak.

原句:At the end of the day, it is the minister himself who has to make the decision.
关键字:finally, ultimately
改写后:Ultimately, it is the minister himself who has to make the decision.

原句:The authorities announced that they would not tolerate drugs within the sport in any way, shape, or form.
关键字:under any circumstances
改写后:The authorities announced that they would not tolerate drugs within the sport.

原句:In the closing scene, the film comes full circle
关键字:return to a previous position or situation
改写后:In the closing scenes, the film returns to the ideas with which it began.

原句:The 1970s were a time when detention without trial was par for the course.
关键字:what is normal or expected in a certain situation
改写后:The 1970s were a time when detention without trial was a normal occurrence.

原句:Children’s services in the city’s hospitals were not fit for purpose, according to the report.
关键字:meet the required standards
改写后:Children’s services in the city’s hospitals were not meeting the required standards, according to the report

原句:The company considers that this requirement is, to all intents and purposes, impossible to achieve.
关键字:in all important respects
改写后:The company considers that this requirement is impossible to achieve.

原句:With a troubled domestic agenda, the president took the path of least resistance.
关键字:the easiest course of action
改写后:With a troubled domestic agenda, the president chose the easiest course of action.



  • Cliché可能会是沟通和清晰表达中的障碍。
  • Cliché通常可以被改写,通过减少三两个词就能以更清晰或更原始的方式表达你的意思。
  • Cliché有时可以完全删掉,也不会影响到整个句子的含义。
