英语写作 | 如何写好一封英文感谢信?(附案例)


受过帮助后,礼貌的你一定会说声“Hey, thanks for the assist!”。一声感谢虽然温馨,但毕竟太轻,留不下痕迹。如果你能够静下来用心写一封感谢信(Letter of Appreciation),既可以充分表达自己的衷心,又足以让帮助你的人暖心,还可以激励他们坚持助人为乐的善心。更有甚者,说不定哪一天你的感谢信还将有可能帮对方一回(文末有案例)。



1. 问候

在多数情况下,“Hi [Name]”就够了。不过在稍微正式的语境下,比如写给你的领导、人事经理或者你的教授,用“Dear [Name]”会更合适。但如果是在非常正式的语境下,则应使用“Dear Ms/Mr. [Last Name],”。

2. 正文


  • 笼统感谢:Thanks for always being willing to lend a hand when I need you
  • 具体感谢:Thanks for putting in extra time to make our presentation a success.


3. 结尾

一般在信的末尾写上“Thanks again”,并附上你的签名就够了。





1. 感谢工作表现优异

Hi Mark,

Thank you for escorting our guest speakers during the workshop last week. You went out of your way to make everyone feel comfortable, which allowed me to focus on setting up the AV equipment and running sound checks.

I spotted you not only getting people their presentation materials but also fetching water and coffee. If anyone needed anything, you were there to provide it for them. All of our speakers mentioned how helpful you were. Your thoughtfulness and attention to detail helped forge lasting relationships. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Thanks again,


2. 感谢领导(正式口吻)

Dear Ms. Latham,

I’d like to express my deepest appreciation for your excellent mentoring during my internship at Latham & Sons. You not only celebrated my wins, you turned every mistake into a learning opportunity. Your guidance has been influential, and I know it will shape my developing skills and habits as I move into my professional career.

Warmest regards,


3. 感谢员工

Hi Imani,

I want to tell you how much I appreciate your help getting our store ready for opening day. You worked hard, and you were always willing to put in extra time if the situation called for it. I’m grateful for your attention to detail—our displays look amazing as a result of your skills.

I’m confident you’ll be a great asset to the business and an excellent resource for customers now that we’ve opened our doors to the world. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again,


4. 感谢支持

Dear Jordan,

Thank you for your support during my family crisis. I’m deeply grateful not only for you covering my workload while I was away but also for the times you checked in on me. Knowing you had my back allowed me to focus on my family’s needs, which is a kindness I’ll never forget. I appreciate everything you’ve done more than you’ll ever know.

Thanks again,





As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.