英语热词 | 大白兔奶糖润唇膏首发 White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balms


A total of 920 White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balms, jointly produced by Maxam and White Rabbit, were sold out within seconds after officially going on sale online at 10 am on Thursday.

大白兔奶糖味润唇膏(White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balm)在包装设计上延续了大白兔奶糖的经典形象(adopt the classic package of White Rabbit candy),整个造型就像一颗糖一样,成分中融入了乳木果油(sheanut oil)、橄榄油(olive oil)、甜杏仁油(sweet almond oil)和牛奶精华(milk lipids),闻起来就有大白兔奶糖的经典甜香。

英语热词 | 大白兔奶糖润唇膏首发 White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balms

售价78元两只的唇膏并不十分具有价格优势,但是两大国货品牌(two major brands of homegrown products)的碰撞,引发了回忆杀,成为了消费者追捧这款润唇膏的重要原因。

此前在接受媒体采访时,美加净高级品牌经理李晨珅曾表示,公司本来计划10月份推出这个唇膏产品,但是鉴于网上反响热烈(given the demand that they're seeing online),所以在9月20日安排了一次限量发售(arrange for a limited number to be launched on Sept 20)。大白兔奶糖味唇膏的正式上市日期(official launch date)是10月20日,届时将会以礼盒形式发售(be sold in a special gift box)。

老字号(time-honored brand)近年来屡有跨界创新。比如泸州老窖推出香水,福临门和阿芙精油合作发售卸妆油(makeup removal oil)、六神和Rio推出花露水味的鸡尾酒("Florida Water" cocktail)等,都引发网友热议,成为爆款。

  • 口红 lipstick
  • 粉底霜 foundation
  • 洁面乳 face wash
  • 国产品牌 domestic brand
  • 水货 pirated product
  • 假货 counterfeit product