美国习惯用语 | get wise to


我有个朋友在政府部门工作。他这工作以前可是个“肥缺”,经常用公款吃喝旅游。可好景不长,这种挥霍公款的行为被发现了,他被调查机构请去喝茶了。这让我想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:get wise to。

wise是形容词,意思是“明智的”。get wise to somebody or something表达就是是“知道,了解到,察觉到,发现”某人或某事的意思。

  • The investigators began to get wise to the reckless spending of taxpayer money.
  • Our department is so big. That's why no one noticed that Fred was often out of the office on Mondays. But then the boss started holding staff meetings at the beginning of the week. Soon, she got wise to Fred and his frequent absences. Since she became aware of the situation, Fred hasn't missed a day of work!!

不来上班?旷工?他胆子还真大。不过说起来,办公室里经常有些人偷偷上网买东西,或者网上聊天,当他们的领导发现他们的这些小动作时(then they act shocked when their supervisors have gotten wise to them),他们往往会吓一跳。

我一个好朋友交了个新男友,这人看上去随和幽默,绝对是个好男人。可有一次,我朋友无意间发现这男人手机中有不少暧昧短信,这个男人知道我朋友已经察觉到他不忠的行为后,就不在联络她了(when he knew that she was getting wise to his deception, he stopped calling her)。所以说,看人不能光看外表。


  • My wife is a smart consumer. She's often alert to products that advertise being healthy when they actually contain too much sugar, fat or chemicals. She also notices when products claim to offer more, but actually contain less. When she gets wise those manufacturers, she blogs about them. She simply doesn't want anyone else to be fooled.


  • Thanks to these people, I've gotten wise to all kinds of recent decisions by my town council.