图说英语词汇 | 9个与家庭相关的英语习语


图说英语词汇 | 9个与家庭相关的英语习语

Spitting Image (also called spit, spit and image)
Have a strong resemblance, often familial
相貌酷似的人(尤指亲戚间) [非正式]

  • She was his spitting image, only with long, strawberry blond hair.

Accident of Birth
Luck in something due to family good fortune

  • In others, such as America, it may be an accident of birth, with no conscious choice involved.

Bob’s Your Uncle
The rest is easy; you’re almost finished

  • Just tell them you're a friend of mine and, Bob's your uncle, you'll get the job.

Flesh and Blood
Blood relatives, close relatives

  • I must help her. After all, she's my own flesh and blood.


  • Of course I find pretty young women attractive - I'm only flesh and blood.

Helicopter Parenting
Overattentive child-raising

  • Tiger parenting is often confused with helicopter parenting, but they could not be more different.

也可以直接用Helicopter Parent表示直升机家长

  • Teen drivers, who lack the experience of mature drivers, would get supervision that even a helicopter parent would appreciate.

Pop the Question
Propose marriage

  • There has been Westminster speculation that Mr Miliband will propose to Ms Thornton, a barrister and mother to their two children, soon, perhaps even choosing the most romantic day of the year to pop the question.

My Old Man
My spouse

  • My old man's taking me on holiday.

Run in the Family
Be inherited (as a trait) by multiple members of a family

  • Proving that ambition and business savvy often run in the family, some daughters work hard to make a name for themselves in business.

Like Father, Like Son
Sons inherit their fathers’ traits and preferences

  • Mr Smith and Tommy are both quiet and shy. Like father, like son.