英语热词 | 铁路官网推抢票新功能 ticket-grabbing


英语热词 | 铁路官网推抢票新功能 ticket-grabbing

A new ticket-grabbing function of China's official train ticket booking website is expected to boost buyers' chances of obtaining a ticket during the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush, according to a report by China Central Television.

距离春节不到两个月了,我国独有的火车出行"抢票(ticket-grabbing)"大戏又将上演。怎样获得一张返乡的火车票是让很多旅客都倍感头痛的问题。网络黄牛(scalper)利用抢票软件牟利,各种抢票软件(ticket-snatching software)层出不穷,加剧了抢票乱象。今年春运(Spring Festival travel rush),铁路官方售票网站12306网站上线的"候补购票"功能有望缓解抢票难。

12306网站技术带头人(technical head)单杏花表示,所谓候补购票,就是指当旅客遇到车票售罄的情况时,可以在12306平台登记购票信息并预付(pay in advance)购票资金,一旦有退票(canceled ticket)或余票(extra ticket),12306系统会自动帮助用户购票,且速度和成功率都要优于抢票软件。如果候补购票没有成功,则预付资金会全额返还给旅客(offer passengers a full refund)。候补购票能让旅客省去不断刷新12306网站等待退票的麻烦(save passengers the trouble of refreshing the website repeatedly to wait for canceled tickets)。

  • 囤票 hoard tickets
  • 减价票 discounted ticket
  • 列车时刻表 train schedules
  • 实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing
  • 梯次退票方案 tiered ticket refund policy