美国习惯用语 | funny business


我一直觉得我的邻居看起来很可疑,他年纪轻轻,有什么正经工作,可是他却开着一辆豪华轿车,还有一艘游艇。后来我注意到,总是有人上他家做客,而且这些人都是过半个小时就出来。这可疑的情形,让我想到了一句习惯用语,那就是:funny business。

这两个词大家应该都非常熟悉,funny的意思是“滑稽可笑的”,business的意思是“事情、生意”。连起来,funny business的意思却来了个180度大转弯,指的是“非法的或者不合道德的事”。

  • After seeing people coming and going from the neighbor's house, I began to suspect there was some funny business taking place.


  • The cop knew the crook was armed and dangerous. When she finally caught him, he was told to throw down his gun and put his hands up over his head. She also warned him not to try any funny business. It was clear that she wouldn't hesitate to shoot if he made any wrong moves.


  • The cop needs to remain cautious in case there's any funny business.

上面我们说到, funny business除了指非法的事情,还可以指不道德,不合理的行为。下面的例子就讲到了这样一个情况。让我们来听听看:

  • Recently, Paula's husband was busier than ever, and had to go out of town one weekend every month to meet with clients. She started to wonder if there was some funny business going on. Soon enough, she found purchases of women's jewelry and lingerie on his credit card bill. He was having an affair with his secretary!

女人的第六感通常特别准! 就像上次我带我的前男友回家,我妈妈就特别不喜欢他! 她觉得这个人看起来不够正直。之后的几个星期,我们竟然一起看到这个男人在跟别的女生约会!可真不怎么样!