美国习惯用语 | on the firing line


最近,我们的一个制片人制作的短片引起了轩然大波。短片谈的是环境保护问题,而其中一位科学家认为全球变暖只是一个噱头。这种说法马上引起了其他很多科学家和公众的不满,很多人表示了对这个观点的反对,制片人也被批评报道偏颇,不够严谨。她的处境让我想到一句习惯用语。那就是:on the firing line。

firing line是“射击线,开火线”的意思,那么on the firing line在火线上,引伸出来意思就是“处于容易被攻击的位置上”。


  • The producer of the show ended up on the firing line for presenting only one side of the argument.


  • Last month, there was an terrible outbreak of people getting sick from contaminated spinach. Some Americans even died. Not long before, a similar incident happened with peanut butter. That's why the public became very angry at government officials. They'll probably remain on the firing line until citizens can be assured of the safety of our food.


  • They were clearly on the firing line; they were grilled about why the renters had to pay more.


  • My wife controls the budget in the house. She says we have to cut down on spending. That means buying new clothing, going out to restaurants and taking a summer vacation are all on the firing line now. She's against any purchases until there's enough money to pay for them.

大家注意,on the firing line可以用来形容人的情况,也可以用来形容事,形容事的时候意思就是可能被取消。比如说:

  • Because of the huge tax bill, my plan to purchase the New iPad is on the firing line.
    因为得交好多税,买最新版 iPad 的计划很可能泡汤。