美国习惯用语 | do the trick


养狗的人都知道,一般小狗都会整天特别兴奋,跳上跳下的,有时候真让人没办法。那天我朋友来我家,看到我的小狗乖乖的趴在地上,不乱叫也不乱跑,特别羡慕,问我是怎么把狗训练的这么好的。我告诉她,其实我的诀窍就是每天早晨带小狗出去跑步,回来之后,它基本上就没有多余的精力上窜下跳了。用一句习惯用语来说,这就是:do the trick。

trick的意思是“诀窍”。do the trick其实就是“取得想要的成果,获得成功的窍门”。上面的例子里就是这样,如果你的小狗过于好动,只要每天早晨带它去跑跑步就好了。

  • Taking your dog for a run in the morning will do the trick.


  • How often have you found yourself suffering in another lengthy meeting? Maybe you've asked the boss to shorten the agenda or encouraged colleagues to talk briefly. But nothing has worked. Next time, invite participants to stand instead of sit. I guarantee you, it does the trick. Nobody will want to stay on their feet for long, so your meeting will be short.

这主意真不错!每星期一早晨的员工例行会议特别让人头疼。经过一个周末后,很多人都有Monday Blue(星期一沮丧症),所以很多公司都会在周一早晨提供donut(甜面包圈)。

  • For many workers, sweet donuts do the trick; they keep them awake and focused.


  • I know I should remember my anniversary and other dates, but sometimes I forget. When I first got married, I'd send flowers as an apology. They always did the trick. These days, however, they don't make my wife happy. Instead, she expects expensive jewelry.


  • If she programs the important dates into her husband's smart phone, he will get instant reminders. I think it will do the trick.
