
《流浪地球》The Wandering Earth
国产科幻大片 homegrown sci-fi blockbuster
生态移民 ecomigration/ecological migration
密集恐惧症 trypophobia

合家团圆 family reunion
喜剧小品 comic skits
元宵节 the Lantern Festival
每年正月十五是元宵节。The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month.
情人节 Valentine's Day

中国知识基础设施工程(中国知网)China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
学术不端行为 academic misconduct
剽窃指控 allegations of plagiarism

医保目录 medical insurance list
共享护士 nurse sharing
医疗纠纷和风险防范机制 medical dispute and risk prevention mechanism
追梦人 dream chasers
社会信用体系 social credit system
社会治理体制 social governance system
信用记录 credit record

快递小哥 deliverymen
公安干警 police officers
快递行业 the courier industry
自提柜网点 self-service sites for package delivery
人力资源市场 human resources market
电商巨头 e-commerce giant
华人首富 the wealthiest Chinese
资本结构优化 optimize the capital structure
生鲜电商平台 e-commerce platform for fresh food items

科创板 the science and technology innovation board
注册制 registration-based IPO mechanism
世界级城市群 a world-class city cluster
创新要素 key factors of innovation
国际化水平 level of internationalisation
“双一流” "Double First-Class" initiative
产教融合 integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities

“三农”问题 issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
脱贫攻坚战 the tough battle against poverty
智慧农业 smart agriculture
全面推进乡村振兴 push forward rural revitalization in all respects

双层动车组 double-decker bullet train
创业支撑服务平台 service platforms to encourage business startups
乡村特色产业 rural industries with local characteristics
拓展多元化进口渠道 diversify importing channels
租赁房源 rental houses

基本公共教育服务均等化 equal access to basic public education services
师德 teachers' ethics
教育强国 education power
技术转让 technology transfer
非关税壁垒 non-tariff barriers
面谈 one-on-one conversation
空巢老人 empty-nest elderly
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era