伍迪·艾伦单口喜剧 | 我的婚姻 My Marriage


I wanted to discuss my marriage, 'cause that’s important. My marriage, or as it was known, "The Oxbow Incident".
我想谈论一下我的婚姻,因为那很重要。我的婚姻,正如人们所知的那样,是个“牛轭事件” 。

I had a rough marriage. Well, my wife was an immature woman and, ah, that’s all I can say, she... See if this is not immature to you.

I would be home in the bathroom, taking a bath, and my wife would walk right in, whenever she felt like, and sink my boats.

It was partially my fault that we got divorced, I had a lousy attitude toward her.

The first year of marriage I had a bad...basically a bad attitude toward her, I guess.

I tended to place my wife underneath a pedestal all the time.

We used to argue and fight, we finally decided, we either take a vacation on Bermuda or get a divorce, one of the two things, and we discussed it very maturely, and we decided on the divorce, 'cause we felt we had a limited amount of money to spend, y'know.

A vacation in Bermuda is over in two weeks, but a divorce is something that you'd always have.

And I saw myself free again, living in the Village, y'know, in a bachelor apartment with a woodburning fireplace and a shaggy rug, y'know, and on the walls one of those great Picassos by VanGogh, and just great swinging...Airline hostesses running amok in the apartment, y'know.

And I got very excited, and I ran into my wife, she was in the next room at the time, listening to Conelrad on the radio, y'know.

I laid it right on the line with her, I came right to the point, I said "Quasimodo, I want a divorce".

And she said "Great, get the divorce", but it turns out, in New York state, they have a strange law that says you can't get a divorce unless you can prove adultery, and it's weird, because the ten commandments say "Thou shalt not commit adultery", but New York state says you have to.

Well, finally, what happened was, my wife committed adultery for me.

She's always been more mechanically inclined than I have.