英语热词 | 北京世园会开幕 习近平提出绿色发展“五个追求”


Declaring the opening of the world's largest international horticultural exhibition in Beijing Sunday, President Xi Jinping expressed his hope that the green development concept embodied by the expo park would be spread to "every corner of the world."

  • 2019年北京世界园艺博览会(the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing)4月29日至10月7日面向公众开放,共有110个官方和120个非官方参展机构参加。本届世园会的主题是“绿色生活、美丽家园(live green, live better)”,围绕这一主题,世园会举办期间将举行2500多场文化活动。这是继1999年昆明世园会后,中国再次举办国际最高级别的园艺博览会。


As China has been speeding up ecological civilization development, people will live in a better environment with blue sky, green mountains and clear water.

习近平强调,纵观人类文明发展史,生态兴则文明兴,生态衰则文明衰。杀鸡取卵、竭泽而渔的发展方式走到了尽头(the development model of "killing the hens for eggs" and "draining the lake for fish" is at the dead end),顺应自然、保护生态的绿色发展昭示着未来。


We should pursue harmony between man and nature.

  • 我们要维持地球生态整体平衡,让子孙后代既能享有丰富的物质财富,又能遥望星空、看见青山、闻到花香。
    We should maintain the overall balance of Earth's ecology, so that the starry sky, lush mountains and floral fragrance will be retained for our future generations who enjoy material prosperity at the same time.

We should pursue the prosperity based on green development.

  • 绿水青山就是金山银山,改善生态环境就是发展生产力。
    Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Improving ecological environment is increasing productivity.

We should foster a passion for nature-caring lifestyle.

  • 我们要倡导简约适度、绿色低碳的生活方式,拒绝奢华和浪费。
    We should embrace simple, moderate, green and low-carbon ways of life, and reject extravagance and waste of resources.

We should pursue a scientific spirit in ecological governance.

  • 生态治理必须遵循规律,科学规划,因地制宜,统筹兼顾,打造多元共生的生态系统。
    Ecological governance should follow the law of nature and make scientific planning, while taking into consideration local conditions and a holistic approach to create a diversified ecological system of co-existence.

We should join hands to tackle environmental challenges.

  • 唯有携手合作,我们才能有效应对气候变化、海洋污染、生物保护等全球性环境问题,实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标。
    Only with concerted efforts can we effectively deal with global environmental issues such as climate change, marine pollution and biological protection, and achieve the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals.

  • 生态文明 ecological civilization
  • 生态保护区 ecological reserve
  • 生态健康 ecological health
  • 绿色发展 green development
  • 生态友好型发展eco-friendly development
  • 可持续发展 sustainable development
  • 生态治理 ecological governance
  • 自然资源短缺 shortages of natural resources
  • 遏制环境破坏 curb environmental damage
  • 美丽中国 Beautiful China