英语口语 | 总在deadline前熬夜奋战?学学大神们的时间管理吧


01. 扎克伯格怎么管理时间?


  • Multi-tasking: 同时做多件事,多任务

1. Stop multi-tasking. It merely kills your focus. 不要一心多用,那只会分散你的注意力。一次只做一件事。

  • Prioritize:按重要性排列;划分优先顺序

2. No 2 tasks ever hold the same importance. Always prioritize. Be really careful with to-do lists. 从来没有两个任务会有相同的优先级,好好想想哪个更重要。

3. Turn the page on yesterday.Only ever think about today and tomorrow. 把昨天翻篇,只着眼于今天和明天。

  • In the zone: 进入状态,聚精会神

4. Work more when you're in the zone. Relax when you're not. 当你在状态时,就多干点;不然就好好休息。

  • Get the ball rolling: 开始,启动

5. Work is the best way to get working. Start with short tasks to get the ball rolling. 进入工作状态的最佳方式就是工作。不积跬步,无以至千里。

02. 科学家们的时间管理秘诀


1. Beware of distractions


  • Claim v 夺走;占用

Take a long, hard look at your relationship with e-mail and social media. Although they are vital to everyday communication, they can claim much more attention than they deserve. Consider shutting them off completely as you work on a task that requires your full attention.

2. Learn to say "no"


Many business leaders put a lot of their success down to simply saying "no". That is, they prioritize their efforts in the few areas that really matter and have the courage to say no to everything else. Be realistic with yourself, and honest with others.


  • Hierarchy ['haɪə.rɑː(r)ki]: 层级

Saying no is much more difficult if you are, or perceive yourself to be, low down in thehierarchy of your organization. Nevertheless, it's important to be honest and to look after your health.

3. Update your plan


  • Offload: 卸下,解除

Your plan and priority list will need to be regularly updated, particularly when things are not going well. Don't panic if your experiments or initiatives fail: instead, redraft your plan and aim to offload all other distracting tasks as you devote more time to a resolution.

03. GTD: 搞定它

GTD = Getting Things Done(把事情搞定),这种时间管理方式源自David Allen的一本畅销书Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

GTD的核心在于,不要太信任自己的脑袋,而要利用工具,清空大脑,一时一事地完成工作。正如作者在书中所说:Your head is for having ideas, not for holding them.

  • Actionable:可执行的

The GTD method rests on the idea of moving planned tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items. This allows one to focus attention on taking action on tasks, instead of recalling them.


  • Workflow: 工作流程

The GTD workflow consists of five stages: capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage.

1. Capture


Collect what has your attention. Us an in-basket, notepad, or voice recorder to capture 100% of everything that has your attention. Little, big, personal and professional—all your to-do's, projects, things to handle or finish.

2. Clarify


  • Incubate:孵化,培养,潜伏
  • Delegate ['deləɡət]:委派,把(工作)委托(给下级)

Process what it means. Take everything that you capture and ask: Is it actionable? If no, then trash it, incubate it, or file it as reference. If yes, decide the very next action required. If it will take less than two minutes, do it now. If not, delegate it if you can; or put it on a list to do when you can.

3. Organise


Next actions:一项复杂的大任务可以被具体成一个个明晰的步骤。例如,我要在课堂上做一个presentation,那么我的next action可能就是“跟组员讨论presentation的主题”。

Waiting for:有些事项需要等到别人的反馈才能继续进行。例如我把presentation的主题发给老师的邮箱,我就要时不时地检查收件箱,看老师有什么建议。


  • Errand ['erənd] : 差使,任务

Put it where it belongs. Put action reminders on the right lists. For example create lists for the appropriate categories—calls to make, errands to run, emails to send, etc.

4. Reflect


Review frequency. Look over your lists as often as necessary to determine what to do next. Do a weekly review to clean up, update your lists, and clear your mind.

5. Engage


Simply do. Use your system to take appropriate actions with confidence.
