英语口语 | 用in the eye of the storm表达“暴风之眼”


在英语里,我们可以用 in the eye of the storm 来描述某人是一场争论的中心人物。

  • Greece is in the eye of the storm which has gathered over the world economy and is threatening to tear the eurozone apart.
  • Our teacher is making us sit our exams again. Johnny was caught in the eye of the storm after he boasted about cheating.

值得注意的是,另一个包含气象学术语的常用英语短语是 lull before the storm,意思是暴风雨来临之前的宁静时刻。

  • The shop assistants took advantage of the lull before the storm and tidied up the hat display. They knew the moment the doors opened they would be flooded with bargain-hunters.