美国习惯用语 | How would it grab you?


如果休士顿火箭队赢得冠军, 你会怎么想呢?美国人就会问: How would it grab you?

How does that grab you? 这是一个问句,意思是:你觉得怎么样?每句话都有不同的说法,how does that grab you 相当于 what do you think of that? 意思是一样的。


  • I know you're tired after traveling all day. I'd say we do something easy tonight. How does spaghetti and a video grab you?
    我知道你旅行了一天很疲劳,今天晚上我们简单一点怎么样? 我们吃意大利面条,看一盘录像带,你觉得怎么样?

How does that grab you? 这个习惯用语的意思是:你的看法如何? 你觉得怎么样?

下面是 一个老板打算给一个属下升级,他正在给这位雇员解释提升后有些什么好处和坏处。

  • Basically, you'll get a decent raise in salary, a nicer office and a bit more decision making power. But you will have to travel more frequently, and report directly to me. How does that grab you?
    基本上, 你的薪水会增加不少, 你会有个更好的办公室,而且也会多一些决定权。但是你出差会更多一些, 而且要直接向我汇报工作, 你觉得怎么样?