

The 12th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee started its annual session at 3 p.m. in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 3. CPPCC National Committee Chairman Yu Zhengsheng delivered the work report, which consists of three sections: A Review of the Work in 2016, Major Tasks for 2017 and Strengthening and Improving CPPCC Democratic Oversight. An edited bilingual excerpt follows:


A Review of the Work in 2016

The Standing Committee increased its consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment.

We emphasized visiting local communities, analyzing representative cases, and basing proposals and suggestions on facts and data. We managed specific problems by tailoring solutions to local conditions and specific cases.

We put great energy into fostering the Chinese spirit and promoted the flourishing and development of socialist culture.

We produced excellent works worthy of the times, improved the moral conduct and artistic skills of writers and artists and created a favorable environment in which literature and art can flourish.

Major Tasks for 2017

We will visit villages and households in poor areas to conduct sustained research and follow-up oversight in light of the major plans for poverty alleviation.

We will assist the Communist Party of China and the government in effectively coordinating relations, remedying grievance, resolving conflicts, and enhancing unity.

Improving CPPCC Democratic Oversight

We must uphold "public good, harmony, sincerity, and truthfulness." Our work must be for the public good for us to speak the truth and be ready to take on responsibility.

Given the wide breadth covered by CPPCC democratic oversight, we must have clear priorities and targets.

We need to put ourselves in others' shoes, and give constructive advice instead of sitting on the sidelines, being detached, or taking a perfunctory attitude.

要坚持“不打棍子、不扣帽子、不抓辫子”,鼓励敢讲话、讲真话, 尊重和包容不同意见、逆耳之言和尖锐批评。
It is important to adhere to the principles of not criticizing others without good reasons, not labeling them, and not preying on their weakness. CPPCC members should be encouraged to speak the truth, and should respect and tolerate different opinions, unpleasant comments and sharp criticism.