美国俚语 | 表示贫穷的beggars can't be choosers与dirt poor


Beggars can't be choosers 乞丐不应该挑三拣四
Dirt poor 一贫如洗


Ted: Hello, Ted speaking.
Tom: Ted, Ted. It's me, Tom.
Ted: Oh, hey bro. How's your life there?
Tom: Sucks, man. I quited my job.
Ted: What?! You quited your job? Man, you started your job only three weeks ago.
Tom: I know. But it's not as easy as what I thought. The life here is very different. Everyone is so busy here, they do everything with their maximum speed. I used to think I can get so much fun if I live in a big city. Now, I don't even have my own time . The pace of life here in Chicago is so fast. And my colleagues, to me, they're so mean.
Ted: So what you gonna do?
Tom: I want to find another job and stay here. I've received some interview invations. But wages are too low.
Ted: Why don't you ask help from Bob?
Tom: I don't want to do that. I truned his offer down and now I'm dirt poor. This situation will get me nothing but a “I told you so” from him.
Ted: Okay, If you say so. BTW, How's your pocket? Still deep?
Tom: Deep? I'm dirt poor, man.
Ted: Ted, Beggars can't be choosers. Either you go ask Bob for help or you have to take a low pay job for now so you can still there.

P2. 追根溯源

Beggars can't be choosers. 这句俚语来自于15世纪的苏格兰。字面上的意思是:乞丐没得挑。在最开始时这句话想要指明的意思是不论别人施舍什么,乞丐都会要。后来引申出含义乞丐不应该挑三拣四。有什么就将就了。

Dirt poor. 在16世纪时,只有富有人家才能承受得起在家中铺设木地板,木地板不仅美观,而且便于清洗。穷人家由于无法承担铺设木地板的费用,并且他们工作十分的繁忙。所以家中疏于打扫,灰尘满地。之后Dirt poor就用来指那些一贫如洗的人。

P3. 活学活用

I don't care much for the Christmas present, for beggars can't be choosers.

He was dirt poor, but he was honest and kind.