美国俚语 | 关于熬夜赖床的三个俚语



Stay up toStay 表示保持一段时间,up有清醒的意思,所以Stay up引申的意思有熬夜的意思。

Staying up late is bad for your health.熬夜对身体不好。

A: I stayed up late last night to play games.我昨天晚上熬夜打游戏了。
B: No wonder I look down on you today.怪不得今天我看你没精神。

White nightWhite在英语俚语中和很多词汇放在一起,有相反的意思,比如White war不流血的战争之类的,所以White night的意思就是不眠之夜。

The night which she went to America was a white night for me.她去美国的那一晚上,对我来说,就是不眠之夜。

A: There are fireworks and night markets tonight. Let's go and play together!今天晚上有烟花和夜市,一起去玩吧!
B: Well, yeah, tonight was meant to be a white night.好呀好呀,今晚注定是不眠之夜。


Lie in这个词很生动,我们躺在被窝里不起来就是赖床。

I was late this morning because I lay in.我今天早上因为赖床所以迟到了。

A: Mary, you come to the classroom early every day.玛丽,你每天都很早到教室。
B: Yes, I get up early.是呀,我起床很早。
A: I can't get up early. I always lie in.我没办法早起,我总是会赖床。
