美国俚语 | 处理烂摊子 Put Out Fires


Put Out Fires: To address a problem, especially an unexpected one caused by the incompetence, negligence, or misconduct of another person. 解决问题,尤指因他人的无能、疏忽或不端行为而引起的突如其来的问题。灭火,救火; 处理烂摊子。

You already know that firefighters are trained to safely put out fires. 你已经知道消防员被训练来安全地扑灭火灾。

Put Out Fires  救火 , 处理烂摊子

Do Anna and Jonathan have new careers?  安娜和乔纳森换新职业了吗?

Anna !  I haven't seen you all week. What have you been doing? 安娜!我整个星期都没见到你。你在干什么?

I have been busy putting out fires!  First, Kim yelled at a very important customer, and then Kevin !  Kevin gave the wrong presentation at a big meeting.  我一直忙着处理烂摊子!  首先是基姆对一位非常重要的客户大喊大叫,然后是凯文!凯文在一次大型会议上做了错误的陈述。

So now is not a good time to tell that there is a big mistake in this report...?  所以现在不是好时候告诉你这个报告有一个大错误…?

As an idiom, to "put out fires" means to deal with urgent problems rather your usual tasks.  Think of the problem as a fire --  something that needs to be dealt with quickly before it spreads or causes much damage.  作为一个成语,“救火”意味着处理紧急问题,而不是你通常的任务。把这个问题想象成一场火灾——在蔓延或造成很大破坏之前需要迅速处理的问题。


The manager had to put out the fires after a raw hamburger was served to a customer. 在一个生汉堡被端给顾客后,经理不得不收拾烂摊子。

I spent so much time today putting out fires with our suppliers that I didn't even have a chance to read my emails. 我今天花了那么多时间处理与我们供应商的烂摊子,  以至于我没有机会读我的电子邮件。

Do you like your job? Yes, I do. I like to help people. I like to put out fires. 你喜欢这份工作吗?是的,我喜欢。我喜欢帮助人们。我喜欢处理烂摊子。