美国俚语 | 不理不睬 cold Shoulder


Cold Shoulder:    to treat with indifference. 冷淡,轻视;不理不睬。

This is a shoulder. 这是肩膀。


So if I get a cold shoulder, should I just wear warmer clothing? 如果我觉得肩膀冷,我应该穿暖和点的衣服吗?

Hey!  I got you email about the party.  Thanks for inviting me. but why didn't you invite Megan? 嘿! 我收到你关于聚会的电子邮件。谢谢你邀请我。但是你为什么不邀请梅甘?

She is a trouble-maker.  I get a bad feeling every time I'd around her. 她是个捣乱分子。每次我在她身边,我都会有一种不好的感觉。

So you're giving her the cold shoulder. 所以你要对她不理不睬。

Yeah, that is the best  way to deal with people like that. 是的,这是对付这样的人的最好办法。

This expression is not about temperature.  "Cold " also means distant or unfriendly. So when you give someone the cold shoulder, you ignore them. This phrase may come from the fact that when you ignore someone, you turn you body, shoulders included, away from them.  这个表达式不是关于温度的。”“冷淡”也意味着疏远或不友好。所以当你冷落某人时,你忽视他们。这个短语可能来自这样一个事实:当你忽视某人时,你会把你的身体、肩膀包括在内,远离他们。


I don't understand why she gave me the cold shoulder. 我不明白她为何对我冷淡。

He used to wish me good morning, but now he gives me the cold shoulder. 他过去常向我问早安,现在却对我爱理不睬。

He will not turn the cold shoulder on me when I am in trouble.  他不会在我困难时疏远我。

Don't give me then cold shoulder; I don't mean to make you angry.  你别冷落我,我不是存心惹你生气的。