中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句




上海精神 Shanghai Spirit

中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句

“知者行之始,行者知之成。” “上海精神”催生了强大凝聚力,激发了积极的合作意愿,是上海合作组织成功发展的重要思想基础和指导原则。

“Vision spurs action and is achieved through action.” The Shanghai Spirit has created powerful cohesion, stimulated the desire for cooperation, and it has become a source of inspiration that guides the growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


开放合作 openness and cooperation

中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句


We need to expand external exchanges and cooperation, which is a driving force of our growth. “Jade can be polished by stones from other hills.” To expand external exchanges and bring in new members serve the need of a growing SCO that is inherently open and inclusive.


团结、安全和稳定 unity, security and stability

中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句


“Nothing is more beneficial than stability, and nothing is more detrimental than chaos.” Maintaining security and stability in our region is the priority of SCO cooperation.


中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句


As a saying in Kazakhstan goes, where there is solidarity, happiness will follow. The Shanghai Spirit has inspired a strong sense of solidarity which ensures the growth of the SCO.


国家治理 governance

中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句


We need to take common development and prosperity as our goal. "The primary task of governance is to enrich the people." Given the increasing uncertainties in the world economy and resurgence of trade protectionism in some countries, the SCO should, in a win-win spirit, tap the potential of regional cooperation and jointly create opportunities for cooperation to increase the member states’ inherent development momentum and their capability to fend off risks.


人文交流 cultural exchange

中英双语 | 习近平上合峰会讲话引用过的经典名句


We need to increase understanding between our people, which is the very purpose of our work. “People, if united, will be stronger.” The SCO’s future, above all, is in the hands of the people of the SCO members. We need to support friendly exchanges between business communities, academia, media groups, think tanks, art groups and other communities, and expand our cultural and people-to-people exchanges to all dimensions. We need to enhance mutual understanding and traditional friendship between our people, so as to consolidate public support for the SCO development. We should actively explore new channels of cultural and people-to-people exchanges, build up the SCO's capability of international communication, and promote its ideals and principles. We should let the world know the "stories of the SCO" and hear the "voice of the SCO."
