翻译研究 | 不能用phobia,“恐美症”英语到底怎么说?



足球领域也有“恐韩症”的说法。翻译“恐韩症”与“恐美症”中的“恐”,可能会想到phobia。根据《韦氏词典》,该词定义为:an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation。“恐韩症”中的“恐惧”来源于国足难以战胜韩国的事实,有事实基础,并非illogical。用在“恐美症”上,phobia似乎很合适,但在考虑一些phobia的实际用法后,phobia的问题也开始暴露出来。

以常见的一个phobia,即homophobia为例,同样根据《韦氏词典》,这个词的意思为irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals。此时,phobia除了fear,又多了aversion(厌恶)和discrimination(歧视)。释义一贯简练的《剑桥词典》将phobia描述为a fear or dislike of gay people。


查到Washington Post一篇名为《Free trade with U.S.? Europe balks at chlorine chicken, hormone beef》的文章提到美国与欧洲之间的Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)因为欧洲人因食品安全问题抵制美国食品进口难以达成,其中有这样一段话:

In some E.U. countries — including Poland and Sweden — there appears to be solid support. But in other nations, the opposition increasingly seems to be less about food than outright Americaphobia.

In Europe, a certain brand of anti-Americanism is almost always just under the surface on the political left and the far right. But with the TTIP talks, at least some of those sentiments appear to be going mainstream. In parts of Europe, including Germany — a nation still smarting from revelations of U.S. spying — staunch opposition has built up around the possible inclusion of an investor-rights clause in TTIP.


Washington Times一篇题为《Americaphobia》的文章第一段表达出了更鲜明的反美立场:

“My anti-Americanism has become almost uncontrollable. It has possessed me, like a disease. It rises up in my throat like acid reflux, that fashionable American sickness. I now loathe the United States and what it has done to Iraq and the rest of the helpless world. I can hardly bear to see the faces of Bush and Rumsfeld, or to watch their posturing boy language, or to hear their self-satisfied and incoherent platitudes.”

因此,将“恐美症”译为Americaphobia会让人误解为“反美症”。避免这一问题的最简单方法就是译出fear,将“恐美症”意译为ingrained fear of the US,即对美国根深蒂固的恐惧。前面提到的“恐韩症”也可用同样方法处理,避开“恐韩症”并不illogical的问题。
