图说英语词汇 | 9个与日常活动相关的英语习语


图说英语词汇 | 9个与日常活动相关的英语习语

Crash a Party
To attend a party without being invited

  • Come on, let's go crash the neighbors' party—I'm sure they won't mind us showing up.

Hit the Books
To study

  • I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books.

In Touch
In contact

  • President Bush has been in touch with leaders in Europe over options for dealing with the Russian incursion.

On a Roll
Having a consistent run of success

  • Pippa won five games in a row and it was obvious she was on a roll.

Have a Hard/Tough Row to Hoe
Be face with a task that is difficult because of unfavorable conditions

  • Teachers have a tough row to hoe in today's schools.

Play with Fire
Do something very risky

  • Warmongers who like to play with fire will be certain to pay an expensive price.

Ring a Bell
Sound familiar

  • The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before.

Spin a Story/Tale/Yarn
Tell a story

  • He spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.

Trip the Light Fantastic
Dance well; do ballroom dancing

  • Of course, the best part of a wedding is when everyone trips the light fantastic into the wee hours of the morning.