美国习惯用语 | come a long way


侄子邀请我们夫妇俩去看他的乐队演出。我真不敢相信他现在这么棒!我记得几年前他还在我姐姐的车库里练习,听起来简直就是噪音,可他们如今已经能在全国巡回演出了!我真替他高兴,这也让我想到一句习惯用语,那就是:come a long way。

come a long way的意思与这些词字面的意思不太一样。它的意思是“突飞猛进”。就像我侄子的乐队:

  • They have made considerable progress from when they first started playing together. They've come a long way.


  • I went to my high school reunion last weekend. That's where I saw my old buddy James. Twenty years ago he was short, overweight and rather shy. Now he's tall, thin and very outgoing. He even runs his own company. He says his life has gotten a lot better. It's clear to me he's come a long way.
    我上个周末去参加高中聚会,见到了老朋友James. 他可是大变样! 20年前他又矮又胖,而且很容易害羞。可现在他又瘦又高,非常外向,还自己开了公司! 他说自己的生活改善了很多。很显然,他取得了很大的进步和成功。

提起突飞猛进,我觉得最值得一提的就是科技发展。现在的科技每时每刻都在进步,iPhone, iPad, iTouch....快的让我们觉得赶不上!

  • Technology has come a long way compared to 10 years ago.


  • You all did pretty well in the practice drills we ran. You made significant progress working quickly and working as a team. That doesn't mean you should be satisfied with your achievement. The reality is that more is expected of you. If you're serious about earning the full respect of this community, you'll need to come a long way from how you performed today.


  • Years ago women weren't even allowed to be firefighters, they've come a long way.